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Your inbox and sending messages
Your inbox and sending messages

How to navigate around your inbox and send messages

Iwona Jakobczyk avatar
Written by Iwona Jakobczyk
Updated over a week ago


Your inbox is where you will find all your messages from your workers and your Clients, as well as a log of the messages that you have sent out.

All messages, both received and sent, are logged and date stamped so that you always have a record of what has been said.

Messages are sent using JoinedUp's internal messaging system, email and SMS - depending on the recipient's communication preferences.

Here's a breakdown of the different tabs in your Inbox:

New Messages

You can create a new message simply by clicking on the blue "New message" button. You will then see the below screen, where you can refine the contact criteria.

1) Here you choose whether you want workers related to the site, hirers/agents related to the site, or to choose specific workers from a list.

2) You can then refine further by choosing only active workers, those available on a day, or those within a location.

3) Here you write your message.

Replying to a Message

Alternatively, you can reply to a message by clicking in the text box beneath a message that you have selected.

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