Why has my shift been cancelled?

What to do when your shift has been cancelled by your agency

Iwona Jakobczyk avatar
Written by Iwona Jakobczyk
Updated over a week ago

If your shift gets cancelled you'll receive an email informing you (as long as you have your contact preferences switched on!). Shifts might be cancelled for a number of reasons. Your consultant will usually provide this reason which will show in the email, for example because of reduced demand.

You can also check on your Work Calendar - the shift will say (cancelled) next to it. If you click into the shift it will also show the reason provided by your consultant.

The shift may also have been cancelled because you didn't confirm it in time. Please click on the below link to see how to confirm your shift correctly.

My shift shouldn't have been cancelled?

Occasionally there might have been a mistake. If you think your shift has wrongfully been cancelled, please contact your agency directly. Unfortunately we cannot add your shift back on to your work calendar without confirmation from your agency, so its better to speak to them yourself. You can see how by clicking this link:

It's especially important to do this if you have already worked the shift and then you see that your shift has been cancelled. You need to contact your agency immediately to resolve the issue, otherwise you may not paid correctly.

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