Asynchronous reports

How to download asynchronous reports

Iwona Jakobczyk avatar
Written by Iwona Jakobczyk
Updated over a week ago

The custom reports are now what we call 'asynchronous reports'. This means that generating reports doesn't put as much strain on our database, allowing you to download larger reports than before.

Visually, you won't see much difference, and all the reports can be run in exactly the same way. If the report only takes a few seconds to run you will see it download straight away as usual. However, if the report is large enough to take more time you will see a message in the screenshots below.

You can wait for the report here:

or close this window and receive a notification to your email when your report is ready.

To download the report you just need to click the link in the email.

Please note:

  1. Notification will only be sent to your email if you come out of the 'report is generating' window.

  2. The email you receive does not contain a file attachment but a link to download the report, so you need to be logged in to JoinedUp to download.

  3. You will also receive a notification to your JoinedUp Inbox

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