Getting Started

Registering on JoinedUp and completing the profile

Jhoanna Verina avatar
Written by Jhoanna Verina
Updated over a week ago

Agencies use JoinedUp to register and manage their workers and their shifts.

Everyone working for the agency gets a virtual profile on the platform.

Your agency will create a profile for you and you will receive an email invitation to the system. You will need to click on the link inside to set up a password and get started.

Make sure the password is Strong by not using common words as passwords (no names or emails) and by mixing up lower and upper case characters with numbers and special symbols (eg. £ % & etc.)

You log in with your email address and your password. If you're not sure about your password you can always reset it. To see how to do that please click here.

Completing the profile

Once you're logged in you may need to add all the required information until the profile is 100%. You can see the completion percentage and a list of what's still missing in your main profile page. Every position on the list is a link so you can just click on it and it will take you to the place in the profile where the missing information needs to be added.

Once the profile is 100% it will say it 'Requires Validation'. The profile gets validated by your agency after they've checked the details you've entered.

Setting your Availability in the Work Calendar

The next thing to do is to log your availability in your Work Calendar so that your agency knows when to book you for shifts and when you are off.

You can do it day by day by clicking on the specific day in the calendar and selecting from one of the options.

You can also select More Options and set up a status for a longer period by setting up a start and finish date.

The agency will be allocating you to shifts based on your availability. You will receive a text message (provided that you verify your mobile number on your profile!) for every shift you are booked into and in the message you will see a button to Accept or Decline the shift.

Every shift you're booked into will also show in your Work Calendar.

You can also check out this quick instructional video.

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